Sue tiene que cuidar a su amiga enferma, Johnsy y convencerla de que no morirá cuando caiga la última hoja de una vieja enredadera.

Sue has to take care of her sick friend Johnsy and convince her that she won’t die when the last leaf of an old vine falls off.


Nueva York, 1905. Sue y Johnsy son dos pintoras que comparten un estudio. Johnsy enferma de neumonía y no mejora. Sue observa que su amiga está siempre mirando por la ventana que hay junto a su cama. Tan solo se ve una pared de ladrillos a unos pocos metros. Es otoño. El viento no para de soplar. Una vieja enredadera trepa por la pared. Casi no le quedan hojas. Es entonces cuando Sue se da cuenta de que Johnsy está convencida de que morirá cuando caiga la última hoja.

New York, 1905. Sue and Johnsy are two painters who share a studio. Johnsy falls sick with pneumonia and doesn’t improve. Sue notices that her friend is always looking through the window by her bed. There is only a brick house some feet away. It is autumn. The wind never stops howling. An old ivy vine is climbing half way up the brick wall. It has been stripped of almost all its leaves. Is then when Sue realizes that Johnsy is convinced she’ll die when the last leaf falls off.